``` Filename: 000-index.txt Title: Index of Tor Proposals Author: Nick Mathewson Created: 26-Jan-2007 Status: Meta Overview: This document provides an index to Tor proposals. This is an informational document. Everything in this document below the line of '=' signs is automatically generated by reindex.py; do not edit by hand. ============================================================ Proposals by number: 000 Index of Tor Proposals [META] 001 The Tor Proposal Process [META] 098 Proposals that should be written [OBSOLETE] 099 Miscellaneous proposals [OBSOLETE] 100 Tor Unreliable Datagram Extension Proposal [DEAD] 101 Voting on the Tor Directory System [CLOSED] 102 Dropping "opt" from the directory format [CLOSED] 103 Splitting identity key from regularly used signing key [CLOSED] 104 Long and Short Router Descriptors [CLOSED] 105 Version negotiation for the Tor protocol [CLOSED] 106 Checking fewer things during TLS handshakes [CLOSED] 107 Uptime Sanity Checking [CLOSED] 108 Base "Stable" Flag on Mean Time Between Failures [CLOSED] 109 No more than one server per IP address [CLOSED] 110 Avoiding infinite length circuits [CLOSED] 111 Prioritizing local traffic over relayed traffic [CLOSED] 112 Bring Back Pathlen Coin Weight [SUPERSEDED] 113 Simplifying directory authority administration [SUPERSEDED] 114 Distributed Storage for Tor Hidden Service Descriptors [CLOSED] 115 Two Hop Paths [DEAD] 116 Two hop paths from entry guards [DEAD] 117 IPv6 exits [CLOSED] 118 Advertising multiple ORPorts at once [SUPERSEDED] 119 New PROTOCOLINFO command for controllers [CLOSED] 120 Shutdown descriptors when Tor servers stop [DEAD] 121 Hidden Service Authentication [CLOSED] 122 Network status entries need a new Unnamed flag [CLOSED] 123 Naming authorities automatically create bindings [CLOSED] 124 Blocking resistant TLS certificate usage [SUPERSEDED] 125 Behavior for bridge users, bridge relays, and bridge authorities [CLOSED] 126 Getting GeoIP data and publishing usage summaries [CLOSED] 127 Relaying dirport requests to Tor download site / website [OBSOLETE] 128 Families of private bridges [DEAD] 129 Block Insecure Protocols by Default [CLOSED] 130 Version 2 Tor connection protocol [CLOSED] 131 Help users to verify they are using Tor [OBSOLETE] 132 A Tor Web Service For Verifying Correct Browser Configuration [OBSOLETE] 133 Incorporate Unreachable ORs into the Tor Network [RESERVE] 134 More robust consensus voting with diverse authority sets [REJECTED] 135 Simplify Configuration of Private Tor Networks [CLOSED] 136 Mass authority migration with legacy keys [CLOSED] 137 Keep controllers informed as Tor bootstraps [CLOSED] 138 Remove routers that are not Running from consensus documents [CLOSED] 139 Download consensus documents only when it will be trusted [CLOSED] 140 Provide diffs between consensuses [CLOSED] 141 Download server descriptors on demand [OBSOLETE] 142 Combine Introduction and Rendezvous Points [DEAD] 143 Improvements of Distributed Storage for Tor Hidden Service Descriptors [SUPERSEDED] 144 Increase the diversity of circuits by detecting nodes belonging the same provider [OBSOLETE] 145 Separate "suitable as a guard" from "suitable as a new guard" [SUPERSEDED] 146 Add new flag to reflect long-term stability [SUPERSEDED] 147 Eliminate the need for v2 directories in generating v3 directories [REJECTED] 148 Stream end reasons from the client side should be uniform [CLOSED] 149 Using data from NETINFO cells [SUPERSEDED] 150 Exclude Exit Nodes from a circuit [CLOSED] 151 Improving Tor Path Selection [CLOSED] 152 Optionally allow exit from single-hop circuits [CLOSED] 153 Automatic software update protocol [SUPERSEDED] 154 Automatic Software Update Protocol [SUPERSEDED] 155 Four Improvements of Hidden Service Performance [CLOSED] 156 Tracking blocked ports on the client side [SUPERSEDED] 157 Make certificate downloads specific [CLOSED] 158 Clients download consensus + microdescriptors [CLOSED] 159 Exit Scanning [INFORMATIONAL] 160 Authorities vote for bandwidth offsets in consensus [CLOSED] 161 Computing Bandwidth Adjustments [CLOSED] 162 Publish the consensus in multiple flavors [CLOSED] 163 Detecting whether a connection comes from a client [SUPERSEDED] 164 Reporting the status of server votes [OBSOLETE] 165 Easy migration for voting authority sets [REJECTED] 166 Including Network Statistics in Extra-Info Documents [CLOSED] 167 Vote on network parameters in consensus [CLOSED] 168 Reduce default circuit window [REJECTED] 169 Eliminate TLS renegotiation for the Tor connection handshake [SUPERSEDED] 170 Configuration options regarding circuit building [SUPERSEDED] 171 Separate streams across circuits by connection metadata [CLOSED] 172 GETINFO controller option for circuit information [RESERVE] 173 GETINFO Option Expansion [OBSOLETE] 174 Optimistic Data for Tor: Server Side [CLOSED] 175 Automatically promoting Tor clients to nodes [REJECTED] 176 Proposed version-3 link handshake for Tor [CLOSED] 177 Abstaining from votes on individual flags [RESERVE] 178 Require majority of authorities to vote for consensus parameters [CLOSED] 179 TLS certificate and parameter normalization [CLOSED] 180 Pluggable transports for circumvention [CLOSED] 181 Optimistic Data for Tor: Client Side [CLOSED] 182 Credit Bucket [OBSOLETE] 183 Refill Intervals [CLOSED] 184 Miscellaneous changes for a v3 Tor link protocol [CLOSED] 185 Directory caches without DirPort [SUPERSEDED] 186 Multiple addresses for one OR or bridge [CLOSED] 187 Reserve a cell type to allow client authorization [CLOSED] 188 Bridge Guards and other anti-enumeration defenses [RESERVE] 189 AUTHORIZE and AUTHORIZED cells [OBSOLETE] 190 Bridge Client Authorization Based on a Shared Secret [OBSOLETE] 191 Bridge Detection Resistance against MITM-capable Adversaries [OBSOLETE] 192 Automatically retrieve and store information about bridges [OBSOLETE] 193 Safe cookie authentication for Tor controllers [CLOSED] 194 Mnemonic .onion URLs [SUPERSEDED] 195 TLS certificate normalization for Tor 0.2.4.x [DEAD] 196 Extended ORPort and TransportControlPort [CLOSED] 197 Message-based Inter-Controller IPC Channel [REJECTED] 198 Restore semantics of TLS ClientHello [CLOSED] 199 Integration of BridgeFinder and BridgeFinderHelper [OBSOLETE] 200 Adding new, extensible CREATE, EXTEND, and related cells [CLOSED] 201 Make bridges report statistics on daily v3 network status requests [RESERVE] 202 Two improved relay encryption protocols for Tor cells [META] 203 Avoiding censorship by impersonating an HTTPS server [OBSOLETE] 204 Subdomain support for Hidden Service addresses [CLOSED] 205 Remove global client-side DNS caching [CLOSED] 206 Preconfigured directory sources for bootstrapping [CLOSED] 207 Directory guards [CLOSED] 208 IPv6 Exits Redux [CLOSED] 209 Tuning the Parameters for the Path Bias Defense [OBSOLETE] 210 Faster Headless Consensus Bootstrapping [SUPERSEDED] 211 Internal Mapaddress for Tor Configuration Testing [RESERVE] 212 Increase Acceptable Consensus Age [NEEDS-REVISION] 213 Remove stream-level sendmes from the design [DEAD] 214 Allow 4-byte circuit IDs in a new link protocol [CLOSED] 215 Let the minimum consensus method change with time [CLOSED] 216 Improved circuit-creation key exchange [CLOSED] 217 Tor Extended ORPort Authentication [CLOSED] 218 Controller events to better understand connection/circuit usage [CLOSED] 219 Support for full DNS and DNSSEC resolution in Tor [NEEDS-REVISION] 220 Migrate server identity keys to Ed25519 [CLOSED] 221 Stop using CREATE_FAST [CLOSED] 222 Stop sending client timestamps [CLOSED] 223 Ace: Improved circuit-creation key exchange [RESERVE] 224 Next-Generation Hidden Services in Tor [CLOSED] 225 Strawman proposal: commit-and-reveal shared rng [SUPERSEDED] 226 "Scalability and Stability Improvements to BridgeDB: Switching to a Distributed Database System and RDBMS" [RESERVE] 227 Include package fingerprints in consensus documents [CLOSED] 228 Cross-certifying identity keys with onion keys [CLOSED] 229 Further SOCKS5 extensions [REJECTED] 230 How to change RSA1024 relay identity keys [OBSOLETE] 231 Migrating authority RSA1024 identity keys [OBSOLETE] 232 Pluggable Transport through SOCKS proxy [CLOSED] 233 Making Tor2Web mode faster [REJECTED] 234 Adding remittance field to directory specification [REJECTED] 235 Stop assigning (and eventually supporting) the Named flag [CLOSED] 236 The move to a single guard node [CLOSED] 237 All relays are directory servers [CLOSED] 238 Better hidden service stats from Tor relays [CLOSED] 239 Consensus Hash Chaining [OPEN] 240 Early signing key revocation for directory authorities [OPEN] 241 Resisting guard-turnover attacks [REJECTED] 242 Better performance and usability for the MyFamily option [SUPERSEDED] 243 Give out HSDir flag only to relays with Stable flag [CLOSED] 244 Use RFC5705 Key Exporting in our AUTHENTICATE calls [CLOSED] 245 Deprecating and removing the TAP circuit extension protocol [SUPERSEDED] 246 Merging Hidden Service Directories and Introduction Points [REJECTED] 247 Defending Against Guard Discovery Attacks using Vanguards [SUPERSEDED] 248 Remove all RSA identity keys [NEEDS-REVISION] 249 Allow CREATE cells with >505 bytes of handshake data [SUPERSEDED] 250 Random Number Generation During Tor Voting [CLOSED] 251 Padding for netflow record resolution reduction [CLOSED] 252 Single Onion Services [SUPERSEDED] 253 Out of Band Circuit HMACs [DEAD] 254 Padding Negotiation [CLOSED] 255 Controller features to allow for load-balancing hidden services [RESERVE] 256 Key revocation for relays and authorities [RESERVE] 257 Refactoring authorities and making them more isolated from the net [META] 258 Denial-of-service resistance for directory authorities [DEAD] 259 New Guard Selection Behaviour [OBSOLETE] 260 Rendezvous Single Onion Services [FINISHED] 261 AEZ for relay cryptography [OBSOLETE] 262 Re-keying live circuits with new cryptographic material [RESERVE] 263 Request to change key exchange protocol for handshake v1.2 [OBSOLETE] 264 Putting version numbers on the Tor subprotocols [CLOSED] 265 Load Balancing with Overhead Parameters [OPEN] 266 Removing current obsolete clients from the Tor network [SUPERSEDED] 267 Tor Consensus Transparency [OPEN] 268 New Guard Selection Behaviour [OBSOLETE] 269 Transitionally secure hybrid handshakes [NEEDS-REVISION] 270 RebelAlliance: A Post-Quantum Secure Hybrid Handshake Based on NewHope [OBSOLETE] 271 Another algorithm for guard selection [CLOSED] 272 Listed routers should be Valid, Running, and treated as such [CLOSED] 273 Exit relay pinning for web services [RESERVE] 274 Rotate onion keys less frequently [CLOSED] 275 Stop including meaningful "published" time in microdescriptor consensus [CLOSED] 276 Report bandwidth with lower granularity in consensus documents [DEAD] 277 Detect multiple relay instances running with same ID [OPEN] 278 Directory Compression Scheme Negotiation [CLOSED] 279 A Name System API for Tor Onion Services [NEEDS-REVISION] 280 Privacy-Preserving Statistics with Privcount in Tor [SUPERSEDED] 281 Downloading microdescriptors in bulk [RESERVE] 282 Remove "Named" and "Unnamed" handling from consensus voting [ACCEPTED] 283 Move IPv6 ORPorts from microdescriptors to the microdesc consensus [CLOSED] 284 Hidden Service v3 Control Port [CLOSED] 285 Directory documents should be standardized as UTF-8 [ACCEPTED] 286 Controller APIs for hibernation access on mobile [REJECTED] 287 Reduce circuit lifetime without overloading the network [OPEN] 288 Privacy-Preserving Statistics with Privcount in Tor (Shamir version) [RESERVE] 289 Authenticating sendme cells to mitigate bandwidth attacks [CLOSED] 290 Continuously update consensus methods [META] 291 The move to two guard nodes [FINISHED] 292 Mesh-based vanguards [CLOSED] 293 Other ways for relays to know when to publish [CLOSED] 294 TLS 1.3 Migration [DRAFT] 295 Using ADL for relay cryptography (solving the crypto-tagging attack) [OPEN] 296 Have Directory Authorities expose raw bandwidth list files [CLOSED] 297 Relaxing the protover-based shutdown rules [CLOSED] 298 Putting family lines in canonical form [CLOSED] 299 Preferring IPv4 or IPv6 based on IP Version Failure Count [SUPERSEDED] 300 Walking Onions: Scaling and Saving Bandwidth [INFORMATIONAL] 301 Don't include package fingerprints in consensus documents [CLOSED] 302 Hiding onion service clients using padding [CLOSED] 303 When and how to remove support for protocol versions [OPEN] 304 Extending SOCKS5 Onion Service Error Codes [CLOSED] 305 ESTABLISH_INTRO Cell DoS Defense Extension [CLOSED] 306 A Tor Implementation of IPv6 Happy Eyeballs [OPEN] 307 Onion Balance Support for Onion Service v3 [RESERVE] 308 Counter Galois Onion: A New Proposal for Forward-Secure Relay Cryptography [SUPERSEDED] 309 Optimistic SOCKS Data [OPEN] 310 Towards load-balancing in Prop 271 [CLOSED] 311 Tor Relay IPv6 Reachability [ACCEPTED] 312 Tor Relay Automatic IPv6 Address Discovery [ACCEPTED] 313 Tor Relay IPv6 Statistics [ACCEPTED] 314 Allow Markdown for proposal format [CLOSED] 315 Updating the list of fields required in directory documents [CLOSED] 316 FlashFlow: A Secure Speed Test for Tor (Parent Proposal) [DRAFT] 317 Improve security aspects of DNS name resolution [NEEDS-REVISION] 318 Limit protover values to 0-63 [CLOSED] 319 RELAY_FRAGMENT cells [OBSOLETE] 320 Removing TAP usage from v2 onion services [REJECTED] 321 Better performance and usability for the MyFamily option (v2) [ACCEPTED] 322 Extending link specifiers to include the directory port [OPEN] 323 Specification for Walking Onions [OPEN] 324 RTT-based Congestion Control for Tor [FINISHED] 325 Packed relay cells: saving space on small commands [OBSOLETE] 326 The "tor-relay" Well-Known Resource Identifier [OPEN] 327 A First Take at PoW Over Introduction Circuits [CLOSED] 328 Make Relays Report When They Are Overloaded [CLOSED] 329 Overcoming Tor's Bottlenecks with Traffic Splitting [FINISHED] 330 Modernizing authority contact entries [OPEN] 331 Res tokens: Anonymous Credentials for Onion Service DoS Resilience [DRAFT] 332 Ntor protocol with extra data, version 3 [CLOSED] 333 Vanguards lite [CLOSED] 334 A Directory Authority Flag To Mark Relays As Middle-only [SUPERSEDED] 335 An authority-only design for MiddleOnly [CLOSED] 336 Randomized schedule for guard retries [CLOSED] 337 A simpler way to decide, "Is this guard usable?" [CLOSED] 338 Use an 8-byte timestamp in NETINFO cells [ACCEPTED] 339 UDP traffic over Tor [ACCEPTED] 340 Packed and fragmented relay messages [OPEN] 341 A better algorithm for out-of-sockets eviction [OPEN] 342 Decoupling hs_interval and SRV lifetime [DRAFT] 343 CAA Extensions for the Tor Rendezvous Specification [OPEN] 344 Prioritizing Protocol Information Leaks in Tor [OPEN] 345 Migrating the tor specifications to mdbook [CLOSED] 346 Clarifying and extending the use of protocol versioning [OPEN] 347 Domain separation for certificate signing keys [OPEN] 348 UDP Application Support in Tor [OPEN] 349 Client-Side Command Acceptance Validation [DRAFT] 350 A phased plan to remove TAP onion keys [ACCEPTED] 351 Making SOCKS5 authentication extensions extensible [OPEN] Proposals by status: DRAFT: 294 TLS 1.3 Migration 316 FlashFlow: A Secure Speed Test for Tor (Parent Proposal) 331 Res tokens: Anonymous Credentials for Onion Service DoS Resilience 342 Decoupling hs_interval and SRV lifetime 349 Client-Side Command Acceptance Validation NEEDS-REVISION: 212 Increase Acceptable Consensus Age [for 0.2.4.x+] 219 Support for full DNS and DNSSEC resolution in Tor [for 0.2.5.x] 248 Remove all RSA identity keys 269 Transitionally secure hybrid handshakes 279 A Name System API for Tor Onion Services 317 Improve security aspects of DNS name resolution OPEN: 239 Consensus Hash Chaining 240 Early signing key revocation for directory authorities 265 Load Balancing with Overhead Parameters [for arti-dirauth] 267 Tor Consensus Transparency 277 Detect multiple relay instances running with same ID [for 0.3.??] 287 Reduce circuit lifetime without overloading the network 295 Using ADL for relay cryptography (solving the crypto-tagging attack) 303 When and how to remove support for protocol versions 306 A Tor Implementation of IPv6 Happy Eyeballs 309 Optimistic SOCKS Data 322 Extending link specifiers to include the directory port 323 Specification for Walking Onions 326 The "tor-relay" Well-Known Resource Identifier 330 Modernizing authority contact entries 340 Packed and fragmented relay messages 341 A better algorithm for out-of-sockets eviction 343 CAA Extensions for the Tor Rendezvous Specification 344 Prioritizing Protocol Information Leaks in Tor 346 Clarifying and extending the use of protocol versioning 347 Domain separation for certificate signing keys 348 UDP Application Support in Tor 351 Making SOCKS5 authentication extensions extensible ACCEPTED: 282 Remove "Named" and "Unnamed" handling from consensus voting [for arti-dirauth] 285 Directory documents should be standardized as UTF-8 [for arti-dirauth] 311 Tor Relay IPv6 Reachability 312 Tor Relay Automatic IPv6 Address Discovery 313 Tor Relay IPv6 Statistics 321 Better performance and usability for the MyFamily option (v2) 338 Use an 8-byte timestamp in NETINFO cells 339 UDP traffic over Tor 350 A phased plan to remove TAP onion keys META: 000 Index of Tor Proposals 001 The Tor Proposal Process 202 Two improved relay encryption protocols for Tor cells 257 Refactoring authorities and making them more isolated from the net 290 Continuously update consensus methods FINISHED: 260 Rendezvous Single Onion Services [in] 291 The move to two guard nodes 324 RTT-based Congestion Control for Tor 329 Overcoming Tor's Bottlenecks with Traffic Splitting CLOSED: 101 Voting on the Tor Directory System [in 0.2.0.x] 102 Dropping "opt" from the directory format [in 0.2.0.x] 103 Splitting identity key from regularly used signing key [in 0.2.0.x] 104 Long and Short Router Descriptors [in 0.2.0.x] 105 Version negotiation for the Tor protocol [in 0.2.0.x] 106 Checking fewer things during TLS handshakes [in 0.2.0.x] 107 Uptime Sanity Checking [in 0.2.0.x] 108 Base "Stable" Flag on Mean Time Between Failures [in 0.2.0.x] 109 No more than one server per IP address [in 0.2.0.x] 110 Avoiding infinite length circuits [for 0.2.3.x] [in,] 111 Prioritizing local traffic over relayed traffic [in 0.2.0.x] 114 Distributed Storage for Tor Hidden Service Descriptors [in 0.2.0.x] 117 IPv6 exits [for 0.2.4.x] [in] 119 New PROTOCOLINFO command for controllers [in 0.2.0.x] 121 Hidden Service Authentication [in 0.2.1.x] 122 Network status entries need a new Unnamed flag [in 0.2.0.x] 123 Naming authorities automatically create bindings [in 0.2.0.x] 125 Behavior for bridge users, bridge relays, and bridge authorities [in 0.2.0.x] 126 Getting GeoIP data and publishing usage summaries [in 0.2.0.x] 129 Block Insecure Protocols by Default [in 0.2.0.x] 130 Version 2 Tor connection protocol [in 0.2.0.x] 135 Simplify Configuration of Private Tor Networks [for 0.2.1.x] [in] 136 Mass authority migration with legacy keys [in 0.2.0.x] 137 Keep controllers informed as Tor bootstraps [in 0.2.1.x] 138 Remove routers that are not Running from consensus documents [in] 139 Download consensus documents only when it will be trusted [in 0.2.1.x] 140 Provide diffs between consensuses [in] 148 Stream end reasons from the client side should be uniform [in] 150 Exclude Exit Nodes from a circuit [in] 151 Improving Tor Path Selection [in] 152 Optionally allow exit from single-hop circuits [in] 155 Four Improvements of Hidden Service Performance [in 0.2.1.x] 157 Make certificate downloads specific [for 0.2.4.x] 158 Clients download consensus + microdescriptors [in] 160 Authorities vote for bandwidth offsets in consensus [for 0.2.1.x] 161 Computing Bandwidth Adjustments [for 0.2.1.x] 162 Publish the consensus in multiple flavors [in] 166 Including Network Statistics in Extra-Info Documents [for 0.2.2] 167 Vote on network parameters in consensus [in 0.2.2] 171 Separate streams across circuits by connection metadata [in] 174 Optimistic Data for Tor: Server Side [in] 176 Proposed version-3 link handshake for Tor [for 0.2.3] 178 Require majority of authorities to vote for consensus parameters [in] 179 TLS certificate and parameter normalization [for 0.2.3.x] 180 Pluggable transports for circumvention [in 0.2.3.x] 181 Optimistic Data for Tor: Client Side [in] 183 Refill Intervals [in] 184 Miscellaneous changes for a v3 Tor link protocol [for 0.2.3.x] 186 Multiple addresses for one OR or bridge [for 0.2.4.x+] 187 Reserve a cell type to allow client authorization [for 0.2.3.x] 193 Safe cookie authentication for Tor controllers 196 Extended ORPort and TransportControlPort [in] 198 Restore semantics of TLS ClientHello [for 0.2.4.x] 200 Adding new, extensible CREATE, EXTEND, and related cells [in] 204 Subdomain support for Hidden Service addresses 205 Remove global client-side DNS caching [in] 206 Preconfigured directory sources for bootstrapping [in] 207 Directory guards [for 0.2.4.x] 208 IPv6 Exits Redux [for 0.2.4.x] [in] 214 Allow 4-byte circuit IDs in a new link protocol [in] 215 Let the minimum consensus method change with time [in] 216 Improved circuit-creation key exchange [in] 217 Tor Extended ORPort Authentication [for 0.2.5.x] 218 Controller events to better understand connection/circuit usage [in] 220 Migrate server identity keys to Ed25519 [in] 221 Stop using CREATE_FAST [for 0.2.5.x] 222 Stop sending client timestamps [in] 224 Next-Generation Hidden Services in Tor [in] 227 Include package fingerprints in consensus documents [in] 228 Cross-certifying identity keys with onion keys 232 Pluggable Transport through SOCKS proxy [in 0.2.6] 235 Stop assigning (and eventually supporting) the Named flag [in 0.2.6, 0.2.7] 236 The move to a single guard node 237 All relays are directory servers [for 0.2.7.x] 238 Better hidden service stats from Tor relays 243 Give out HSDir flag only to relays with Stable flag 244 Use RFC5705 Key Exporting in our AUTHENTICATE calls [in] 250 Random Number Generation During Tor Voting 251 Padding for netflow record resolution reduction [in] 254 Padding Negotiation 264 Putting version numbers on the Tor subprotocols [in] 271 Another algorithm for guard selection [in] 272 Listed routers should be Valid, Running, and treated as such [in,] 274 Rotate onion keys less frequently [in] 275 Stop including meaningful "published" time in microdescriptor consensus [for 0.3.1.x-alpha] [in] 278 Directory Compression Scheme Negotiation [in] 283 Move IPv6 ORPorts from microdescriptors to the microdesc consensus [for 0.3.3.x] [in] 284 Hidden Service v3 Control Port 289 Authenticating sendme cells to mitigate bandwidth attacks [in] 292 Mesh-based vanguards 293 Other ways for relays to know when to publish [for 0.3.5] [in] 296 Have Directory Authorities expose raw bandwidth list files [in] 297 Relaxing the protover-based shutdown rules [for 0.3.5.x] [in 0.4.0.x] 298 Putting family lines in canonical form [for 0.3.6.x] [in] 301 Don't include package fingerprints in consensus documents 302 Hiding onion service clients using padding [in] 304 Extending SOCKS5 Onion Service Error Codes 305 ESTABLISH_INTRO Cell DoS Defense Extension 310 Towards load-balancing in Prop 271 314 Allow Markdown for proposal format 315 Updating the list of fields required in directory documents [in] 318 Limit protover values to 0-63 [in] 327 A First Take at PoW Over Introduction Circuits 328 Make Relays Report When They Are Overloaded 332 Ntor protocol with extra data, version 3 333 Vanguards lite [in] 335 An authority-only design for MiddleOnly [in] 336 Randomized schedule for guard retries 337 A simpler way to decide, "Is this guard usable?" 345 Migrating the tor specifications to mdbook SUPERSEDED: 112 Bring Back Pathlen Coin Weight 113 Simplifying directory authority administration 118 Advertising multiple ORPorts at once 124 Blocking resistant TLS certificate usage 143 Improvements of Distributed Storage for Tor Hidden Service Descriptors 145 Separate "suitable as a guard" from "suitable as a new guard" 146 Add new flag to reflect long-term stability 149 Using data from NETINFO cells 153 Automatic software update protocol 154 Automatic Software Update Protocol 156 Tracking blocked ports on the client side 163 Detecting whether a connection comes from a client 169 Eliminate TLS renegotiation for the Tor connection handshake 170 Configuration options regarding circuit building 185 Directory caches without DirPort 194 Mnemonic .onion URLs 210 Faster Headless Consensus Bootstrapping 225 Strawman proposal: commit-and-reveal shared rng 242 Better performance and usability for the MyFamily option 245 Deprecating and removing the TAP circuit extension protocol 247 Defending Against Guard Discovery Attacks using Vanguards 249 Allow CREATE cells with >505 bytes of handshake data 252 Single Onion Services 266 Removing current obsolete clients from the Tor network 280 Privacy-Preserving Statistics with Privcount in Tor 299 Preferring IPv4 or IPv6 based on IP Version Failure Count 308 Counter Galois Onion: A New Proposal for Forward-Secure Relay Cryptography 334 A Directory Authority Flag To Mark Relays As Middle-only DEAD: 100 Tor Unreliable Datagram Extension Proposal 115 Two Hop Paths 116 Two hop paths from entry guards 120 Shutdown descriptors when Tor servers stop 128 Families of private bridges 142 Combine Introduction and Rendezvous Points 195 TLS certificate normalization for Tor 0.2.4.x 213 Remove stream-level sendmes from the design 253 Out of Band Circuit HMACs 258 Denial-of-service resistance for directory authorities 276 Report bandwidth with lower granularity in consensus documents REJECTED: 134 More robust consensus voting with diverse authority sets 147 Eliminate the need for v2 directories in generating v3 directories [for 0.2.4.x] 165 Easy migration for voting authority sets 168 Reduce default circuit window 175 Automatically promoting Tor clients to nodes 197 Message-based Inter-Controller IPC Channel 229 Further SOCKS5 extensions 233 Making Tor2Web mode faster 234 Adding remittance field to directory specification 241 Resisting guard-turnover attacks 246 Merging Hidden Service Directories and Introduction Points 286 Controller APIs for hibernation access on mobile 320 Removing TAP usage from v2 onion services OBSOLETE: 098 Proposals that should be written 099 Miscellaneous proposals 127 Relaying dirport requests to Tor download site / website 131 Help users to verify they are using Tor 132 A Tor Web Service For Verifying Correct Browser Configuration 141 Download server descriptors on demand 144 Increase the diversity of circuits by detecting nodes belonging the same provider 164 Reporting the status of server votes 173 GETINFO Option Expansion 182 Credit Bucket 189 AUTHORIZE and AUTHORIZED cells 190 Bridge Client Authorization Based on a Shared Secret 191 Bridge Detection Resistance against MITM-capable Adversaries 192 Automatically retrieve and store information about bridges [for 0.2.[45].x] 199 Integration of BridgeFinder and BridgeFinderHelper 203 Avoiding censorship by impersonating an HTTPS server 209 Tuning the Parameters for the Path Bias Defense [for 0.2.4.x+] 230 How to change RSA1024 relay identity keys [for 0.2.?] 231 Migrating authority RSA1024 identity keys [for 0.2.?] 259 New Guard Selection Behaviour 261 AEZ for relay cryptography 263 Request to change key exchange protocol for handshake v1.2 268 New Guard Selection Behaviour 270 RebelAlliance: A Post-Quantum Secure Hybrid Handshake Based on NewHope 319 RELAY_FRAGMENT cells 325 Packed relay cells: saving space on small commands RESERVE: 133 Incorporate Unreachable ORs into the Tor Network 172 GETINFO controller option for circuit information 177 Abstaining from votes on individual flags [for 0.2.4.x] 188 Bridge Guards and other anti-enumeration defenses 201 Make bridges report statistics on daily v3 network status requests [for 0.2.4.x] 211 Internal Mapaddress for Tor Configuration Testing [for 0.2.4.x+] 223 Ace: Improved circuit-creation key exchange 226 "Scalability and Stability Improvements to BridgeDB: Switching to a Distributed Database System and RDBMS" 255 Controller features to allow for load-balancing hidden services 256 Key revocation for relays and authorities 262 Re-keying live circuits with new cryptographic material 273 Exit relay pinning for web services [for n/a] 281 Downloading microdescriptors in bulk 288 Privacy-Preserving Statistics with Privcount in Tor (Shamir version) 307 Onion Balance Support for Onion Service v3 INFORMATIONAL: 159 Exit Scanning 300 Walking Onions: Scaling and Saving Bandwidth ```